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2024-2025 Officers

L to R:Joshua Holt-Adjutant / Ken Schieldt-3rd Vice Commander / Mike Ayers-2nd Vice Commander & Membership Chair / Allen Vick-Historian / Tom Jenny-Judge Advocate / Ed Nowicki-Chaplain / Michael Currie Commander / Jim Schiferl-Sergeant at Arms / Rodger Hansen-1st Vice Commander / Jim Oler-Finance Officer / Not pictured: John Solis-Service Officer


Michael Currie


1st Vice Commander
Rodger Hansen


2nd Vice Commander & Membership Chair
Mike Ayers


3rd Vice Commander
Ken Schieldt


Jim Schiferl



Jim Oler


Joshua Holt



Edward Nowicki

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Service Officer
John Solis

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Judge Advocate
Tom Jenny

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Allen Vick


Meet Our

Michael Currie

Greetings Everyone,

   I wanted to introduce myself to all of you as your new Post 59 Commander. First of all I want to thank Commander Sonny for his 13 years as the Post Commander and his many accomplishments. I also want to thank everyone who supported me for this position and continues to support the important mission of our Post.


  A little bit about me, I was born and raised in Madison graduating from Central HS in 1967. In January 1968 I enlisted in the US Navy and went the Great Lakes Naval Training Center for Boot Camp. Upon completion I was assigned to Treasure Island Naval Base in San Francisco. Later that year I volunteered for duty in Vietnam and was then sent to several bases for additional training prior to shipping out. I arrived in DaNang Vietnam in May of 1969 and was assigned to River Security and Taskforce Clearwater patrolling the Perfume River based at Tan My, just south of the city of Hue. After our base was closed in early 1970 I was reasigned to Small Craft Repair Facility in DaNang. I returned home in June 1970.
Upon returning to Madison I attended Madison Area Technical College and graduated with a Associate Degree in Commercial and Graphic Art. I worked for 30 years for the State of Wisconsin and retired in 2011.


  In 1993, my wife Kimberly and I decided to move to Stoughton and built our home. We raised two children, Lauren and Kevin and have two beautiful granddaughters. I joined the American Legion in 2011 and also hold membership in the Stoughton VFW.  I'm honored to also be a member of Post 59's Honor Guard. I'm a member of Vietnam Veterans of America and Mobile Riverine Force Association.


  I look forward to serving the members and customers of Post 59.  I am excited to work together to serve our community as well.


Thank you
Michael Currie
Post 59, Stoughton,WI

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